Sunday, April 4, 2021

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya


Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya


 CLASS       : XI 


                                                 Being fat matters

               Do you know if you too fat, you may have a serious problems with your health? a group of doctor wrote a report about some of the effects of too much fat.

               One important effect is on the heart. If you are fat, your heart has to work harder. This may lead to a heart attack, or it may lead to other heart problem.

              In addition, extra fat can change amount of sugar in your blood. This can cause serious diseases such as diabetes. Furthermore, high blood pressure is another possible result of being fat.

              More studies are needed about all this problems. But, one thing is clear, extra fat make your life shorter.

1.       What is the type of the text?

A.      Narrative

B.      Analytical exposition

C.      Hortatory exposition

D.      Recount

E.       Spoof

2.       What is the main idea of the text above?

A.      Fat is one of the garbage produce by the body

B.      There are many fat people in the world

C.      Fat can be dangerous for our life

D.      Blood pressure is effect of fat

E.       Having an extra fat make our life shorter

3.       The general structure of the first paragraph is?

A.      Thesis

B.      Reiteration

C.      Elaboration

D.      Argument for point

E.       Argument against point

4.       “ This may lead to heart attack”. ( paragraph 2 )

The underline word mean?

A.      Mempengaruhi

B.      Merujuk pada

C.      Menyebabkan

D.      Resiko

E.       Mengacu

5.       What is the purpose of the writer in the text above ….

A.      To say that fat is dangerous for our health

B.      To inform to the reader that the effect of the fat

C.      To explain to the reader the dangerous of being fat

D.      To entertain the reader

E.       To analyze the influence of the high blood pressure

6.       The colonies of ants do not keep coming nearer.

The underline word function as …..

A.      Linking verb                                                          

B.      Evaluative language

C.      Action verb

D.      Adverbial clauses

E.       Complex noun

7.       Nita : ayu , do you like watch Cinderella movie?

Ayu  : yes, I do . I really love the movie

The underlined words are express?

A.      Expressing sorrow

B.      Expressing attention

C.      Expressing love

D.      Expressing hatred

E.       Expressing sadness

8.       Linda : Sinta, I have a bad news. I saw your boyfriend go out for dinner with a girl.

Sinta : really, it brought me a lot of misery

The underlined words are express?

A.      Expressing sorrow

B.      Expressing attention

C.      Expressing love

D.      Expressing hatred

E.       Expressing sadness

9.       Yudhi : I just cut my finger by myself with a knife a few hours ago.

Roni   : oh, poor you.

The underlined words are express?

A.      Expressing sorrow

B.      Expressing attention

C.      Expressing love

D.      Expressing hatred

E.       Expressing sadness

The text for question 10 to 14

                                                                 Peacock and cassowaries bird

                  Long ago, there lived birds named cassowaries and peacock. They lived in harmony. Peacock and cassowaries were friends.    

                 One day, Mr. Peacock came to the cassowaries’ house. “Mr. Cassowaries, I got invitation from the eagle in the forest. I want to look very beautifully. Will you lend your tail?” asked peacock.

                 As a good friend Mr. Cassowaries lend his beautiful tail and said “Mr. Peacock I will lend you my tail. But, you have to promise me that you will return it immediately as soon as your business is finish”. Mr. Peacock nodded his head and promise to return it immediately.

                When Mr. Peacock arrived at wedding party, all of the birds were amazed with his beautiful tail. Birds were praise to the peacock that made him arrogant. He had forgotten his promise. These make cassowaries angry with him. Peacock from that time always hid his life and always showed his tail to everyone. Cassowaries were angry and did not want to be friend with peacock any longer.


10.   The first paragraph is called?

A.      Thesis

B.      Re-Orientation

C.      Argument for point

D.      Orientation

E.       Twist

11.   According to the text, who has a beautiful tail?

A.      Peacock

B.      Eagle

C.      Cassowaries

D.      Cassowaries and peacock

E.       No one has it

12.   What can we learn from the story?

A.      Don’t be ashamed for what you have

B.      Arrogant will  bring a disaster

C.      Keep our promises

D.      Greedy often over reaches itself

E.       One good turn deserves another

13.   Cassowaries were angry and did not want to be friend with peacock any longer”.( paragraph 4 )

What kind of tenses that is used in the sentence above?

A.      Simple past ( - )

B.      Simple past ( + )

C.      Past continuous tenses ( + )

D.      Past perfect ( - )

E.       Past perfect continuous ( - )

14.   The frog sang joyfully in the rainy night when there were storm coming.

The underlined word can defined as…..

A.      Adverb of manner

B.      Adverb of time

C.      Time connective

D.      Noun phrases

E.       Punctuation


15.   I like candy and chocolate very much………., I don’t think it was not good for my teeth.

A.      So                                                                             C. but                                          E. and

B.      Because                                                                   D. or

16.   Yetty   : well, I have never so insulted in my life

Yudha : what do you look so insulted about.

Yetty   : someone stole my laptop when I left in the car.

The bold sentence is expressed?

A.      Expressing embracement

B.      Expressing angry

C.      Expressing calming someone down

D.      Expressing disagreement

E.       Expressing asking someone is angry

17.   Which sentences below are the correct forms of past continuous tenses?

A.       I was reading a newspaper today

B.      They are going home at 5 P.M at night

C.      They were like hiking in the mountain

D.      My student were sweeping a classroom yesterday

E.       I was not like go to the party last night


The text for the question 18 to 20


                                                                        A new baby

                  A woman is sitting at home entertaining her parent who has come around to congratulate her on the birth of their first grandparents.

“so when can we see the baby?   asked the grandmother.

“In a little while”, replies the mother.

                Sometimes pass. The grandparents are looking quite anxious at this point.

“So when we can see the baby?” ask the grandfather.

“When the baby start crying”, replied the mother.

               The grandparents turn to look at each other, a little perplexed and ask, “Why do we have until cry”.

The mother snaps back, “because I put her down somewhere and I can’t remember where she is!


18.   What kind of text above?

A.      Narrative

B.      Spoof

C.      Analytical hortatory

D.      Analytical exposition

E.       Discussion

19.   Why they have to wait the baby until they cried?

A.      Because the baby was so cute

B.      The grandmother was blind

C.      The mother do not know where the boy is


E.       Grandparent do not like to waitBecause the baby was being steal by the grandmother

20.   Which paragraph is funny?

A.      First paragraph

B.      Second paragraph

C.      Third and four paragraph

D.      Last paragraph

E.       None



1.       Write in one paragraph what kind of progress that you have achieved in learning English!

2.       Write your suggestion to the English teacher how they should teach in order you understand learning English!

3.       Define in your own the definition of narrative?

4.        What are the advantages in learning narrative!

5.       According to your opinion why learning English so important?

             Learning was not about study, is all about how you see the world

(belajar bukan tentang pelajaran tapi tentang bagaimana anda melihat dunia)

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